To my Dear Clients,
I rarely ever write anything with my posts, (warning) mainly because I’m not a good writer. Today something has happened that has forced me to stop for a moment. I need to just breathe and enjoy this moment and to hold onto a feeling. This year along with many past years, my life has been filled with so much love from my clients. I swear that if I were paid by the compliments & love I get back from my clients I would be the richest person (if only we didn’t have those stupid things called bills). So to ALL of my clients past & present THANK YOU for letting me brings laughs and tears of happiness into your life through the art of photography!!!
For the past 17 + years I have been working hard at fine tuning the “craft & skill” of professional photography. Don’t let the advertisements & marketing campaigns of camera companies fool you to think that mastering the skill of this profession comes from the equipment that is sold today. It’s not something that is done in a short amount of time, you see just like many others like me, it’s taken us years to understand how to control & manipulate light, how to pose subjects in flattering ways and how to show the love that has brought two people together as in the images below. To be able to do this has nothing to do with Photoshop or having the best equipment, all though these are nice tools to have. Hard work & the investment of knowledge in this occupation is what has gotten me to where I am today. “Passion” is only something that I feel and what keeps me moving foreword in the love of photography.
I understand that the process of being photographed may make most uncomfortable, mainly because of how they simply view themselves. But I see something different…
Knowing how to do all this comes from simply one word…knowledge.